
January 2024

LifeTown Pool Therapy

We haven’t been this excited about a community partnership in a very long time, and that’s coming from the most energetic rehab facility on the planet. The Beatles said it best: “I get by with a little help from my friends…” And it’s true – we could never do what we do without the support and partnerships of our local community. Lucky for us, we just so happened to have found a friend that resides a few hundred feet away from our Livingston Day Program; that friend is LifeTown.

While LifeTown is an incredible 53,000 sq ft facility that features many rooms and activity areas such as their adaptive art room, indoor playground, and simulated town square, today we will focus on their Aquatic Center.

The two best buds, Courtney and Jean

From left: Courtney, Jean, Will and Joanie

If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water.

Lauren Eiseley

There are many characteristics about the LifeTown pool that make it extremely unique and accessible for our clients. The pool is a Zero-Entry Pool, which means the entrance to the water is not made up of stairs or ladders but instead consists of a gradual slope where both our ambulatory and non-ambulatory clients can enter without an issue. For our non-ambulatory clients, the waterproof wheelchairs that are provided slide right in.

The pool is heated at a constant 92 degrees F, which is the ideal temperature for a therapeutic environment. The pool is also a salt water pool so there are no chemicals in the water. The room that contains the pool is also considered a “perfect temperature room” because it is kept at 75 degrees F with zero humidity.

The Aquatic Center at LifeTown has opened up a new world for the majority of our clients who have never experienced aquatic therapy of any kind. Clients who are normally wheelchair bound or who have trouble with their gait are able to swim, play, and dance freely due to the water’s buoyancy and the support of the therapists and staff. One client, Greg, said it best: “In the water, I am free.” What greater gift could we give to a client than that?

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