Summer Carnival

The “Farewell, Summer!” Carnival

August 2022

It wasn’t easy to say our goodbyes to this year’s summer. But while all good things must come to an end, it doesn’t mean they have to end quietly – so we figured it might as well end with a carnival. Yes, there was a dunk tank. All kinds of carnival games. We even had a caricature artist. We spared no one and nothing to make sure this was a proper send off to our most energetic summer yet.

As usual, this event took weeks of planning, creating, and execution – however, once or twice a season we make the event extra fun by hosting a competition between departments. The winner receives major bragging rights in addition to a $100 cash prize for their department. This time we challenged each department to create a custom carnival game for the clients based on five criteria: it must be Fun, Functional, Creative, Colorful, and Accessible. The judges for the competition would be the previous winners, the Enrichment Team, who could not participate this round. (For fairness, the team and clients decided to always assign judging duty to the previous winning department for the following competition.)

There was Balloon Pop, a Ring Toss, Angry Birds Slingshot, Pie in the Face, Toss the Cookie, and Race the Spaghetti! All the carnival games were astoundingly creative but the first place prize went to the PT Department for their Angry Birds Slingshot game, with a well-deserved second place going to the Pie in the Face game from the Speech Department (specifically to our Speech Therapist Erin Alvino for volunteering her face!) It begs the question, what wouldn’t we do for these clients?

Pie in the Face!

More than anything else during the summer carnival, the clients look forward to the dunk tank. It’s their chance to dunk their favorite (or their not so favorite) staff. Here was this year’s roster:

Will, Activity Specialist
Tiffany, Director of Vocational and Cognitive Therapy
Lawrence, Physical Therapy Aid
Ryan, Speech Therapist
Nancy, Head RN of the Medical Department
Erin, Speech Therapist

These names were high on the clients’ lists for dunk victims. But in great spirit, all of the above mentioned braved the dunk tank like champions and encouraged the clients to do their worst. In order to drop the staff into the water the clients had to throw a ball from behind the marked line and hit the target with enough aim and strength. We are happy to report that the clients made sure every person on that list went for a swim.

The star of our show, THE DUNK TANK

During an event like this, our therapists incorporate all kinds of therapy sessions into the activities. The PT department worked with individual clients at the dunk tank on goals such as standing balance, coordination, and strength. The carnival games were designed not only to be fun, functional, and accessible to the clients but to also work on Occupational, Physical, and Cognitive therapy goals as well. The therapists at UI Rehab have always believed that great therapy should not be confined to just a gym inside a building – even if it means creating a carnival right in our own courtyard.

Farewell, Summer! See you next year.

Love, UI Rehab

Caricatures and Their Models!…

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